Vitamina T : The Tlapique. Cousin of the Tamal.

Cover image via the Dalia Mercado Cultural in Xochimilco. (more on these guys at the bottom of the Post) The Tlapique. Cousin of the Tamal. I have mentioned the tlapique (or mextlapique) briefly in previous Posts (1) but it has come up a few times for me recently and this dish offers insight into Prehispanic culinary arts that warrants further attention. This dish, which at … Continue reading Vitamina T : The Tlapique. Cousin of the Tamal.

Xochimilco and the Axolotl

The word “Xochimilco” is Nahuatl for “where the flowers grow”. It is an area of lakes and canals that was a major agricultural centre in Mesoamerica and remains as the only reminder of traditional Pre-Hispanic land-use in the waterways of the Mexico City basin. This compound glyph for the place name Xochimilco features two colourful, detailed flowers [xochi(tl)], and a rectangular, segmented, textured parcel of land [mil(li)]. … Continue reading Xochimilco and the Axolotl