Porophyllum nummularium

SynonymsEupatorium punctatum Mill., Gardn. Diet. ed. 8, no. 1 1. 1768.Kleinia jorullensis HBK, Nov. Gen. & Sp. 4:156. 1820.Porophyllum nummularium DC, Prodr. 5:649. 1836.Porophyllum jorullcnse Cass., Diet. Sci. Nat. 43:57. 1826.Porophyllum ervendbergii Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19:35. 1883.Porophyllum palmeri Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 1 :338. 1895.Porophyllum nelsonii Robins. & Greenm., Proc. Amer. Acad. 32:32. 1896.Porophyllum millspaughii Robins, in Millsp., Field Columb. Mus. Publ. Bot. … Continue reading Porophyllum nummularium

Papalo and Pipicha. Skunk Weed?

Hierba de Zorrillo Amongst the names papalo has accrued lies the not altogether unexpected moniker “skunk weed”, although I have never found the word “zorrillo” used and for some reason online translators always come back with “hierba mofeta”; the word used is mampuritu (1) and mampurite (2) (Morton 1968). My grasp of Spanish is rudimentary at best and there is no doubt I am missing … Continue reading Papalo and Pipicha. Skunk Weed?