Yepaquilitl : Another Skunk Weed

Acacia acatlensis Cover photo : Young shoots of yepaquilitl : courtesy of Explora Jolalpan via Facebook. Syn. Senegalia acatlensis ; Acacia pueblensis ; Mariosousa acatlensis Also called borreguitos/ borrequitos, (also árbol del borrego), yepaquilitl (skunk Quelites) or yepaquihle, huizache, guayalote, guayote (Michoacan), quebrajache, guajillo (Puebla), chindata, chondata, chivos, tiñu, tlahuitole Another plant known by the Nahuatl terminology yepaquilitl is A.acatlensis. It is known by the … Continue reading Yepaquilitl : Another Skunk Weed

Papalo and Pipicha. Skunk Weed?

Hierba de Zorrillo Amongst the names papalo has accrued lies the not altogether unexpected moniker “skunk weed”, although I have never found the word “zorrillo” used and for some reason online translators always come back with “hierba mofeta”; the word used is mampuritu (1) and mampurite (2) (Morton 1968). My grasp of Spanish is rudimentary at best and there is no doubt I am missing … Continue reading Papalo and Pipicha. Skunk Weed?